Common Financial Mishaps Committed by Millennials
Millennials, believe it or not, you are committing the following mistakes when handling your finances. Stop whatever you are doing and read this article. Not optimizing free money.
Common Mistakes of Real Estate Investors
Getting into a real estate market is like taking a hike. You need to trail all the steps to be able to reach the highest peak of the mountain. It is the same concept with buying and selling properties. Sure, you can generate money from this ventur ...
Contingencies in Real Estate Contracts
Appraised Contingency This contingency protects the buyer to ensure the property is estimated at a minimum, indicated amount. If the property is not valuated for at least the specified amount, the transaction is closed a ...
Countering the Notion of Not Saving Enough for Retirement
Financial advisers always highlight the importance of saving for retirement. But many people are not saving everything for retirement, arguing they have plenty of time and money to enjoy mini-retirements or enjoy life now, not later. &nb ...
Cut Your Income Tax in Three Steps
Every taxpayer seeks to slash their income tax. Anyway, who wants a high tax bill? No one. Here are three methods to reduce your income tax the right way. Itemize Deductions Jot down all your taxes to determine ...
Do Not Get a Life Insurance from Employer
Young, alive, and kicking? Do not purchase life insurance from your employers. Let ForexPedia enumerate the reasons for not doing so.   Whether paid by you or the firm, the company-sponsored insurance does not give flexibi ...
Enjoying Life while Saving for Later
“A budget tells us what we can't afford, but it doesn't keep us from buying it.” – William Feather Whenever we are dealing with our finances, we always face the predicament of balancing our desires to l ...
Evolution of Real Estate
Many centuries ago, in order to have a place to live, one must defend the land at any cost. But the development tribal leader system led to distribution of land, settling disputes, and obligatory payment. Its progression culminated in a pooling of ...
Explaining the Six Mortgage Mistakes
The US economy was at its worst state due to mortgage foreclosures, which coincided with the 2008 financial crisis. Most American borrowers failed to settle their mortgages, and homeowners had experienced difficulty with foreclosures. You may be w ...
Fill Your Wallets This Christmas
It is true that the holiday season is a time for relaxation and spending time with family and friends. However, it is also known as a time when expenses mount, and you find yourself longing for that bonus you just held a few days ago. Fortunately, ...
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