Set of stock price movements emerging against the primary trend, as per the Elliot Wave method. The Elliot Wave theory states stock price movements appear in predictable cycles, broken up into motive and corrective waves. Corrective waves move against the trend while motive waves move towards the trend. These waves create some patterns, basis of the theory.
Robert C. Merton
American economist who won the 1997 Nobel Memorial prize in Economic Sciences, along with Myron Scholes, for developing the Black-Sholes model, whi ...
Buy Stops Above
Recommendation to purchase a given security once a security’s price surpasses a particular resistance level by putting a buy stop order at th ...
Admitted Company
An insurance company admitted and allowed by an another state to transact insurance business despite having a domiciled status on an another state. ...
Black Box Model
Computer program, process, or system processing the information entered by the user using pre-programmed logic in order to produce the user’s ...
Form 3903
A form issued by the IRS and used by taxpayers to deduct moving expenses related to taking a new job.
Buying a Home: Writing an Offer
You’re down to the last four steps to buying your dream house. Now, you need to write an offer and the seller has to accept it. Take into acc ...
Defining Inflation
Inflation is the sustained increase in the overall level of products and services in an economy over a particular time period. Expressed as percent ...
An Introduction to MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5
Metatrader 4 (MT4)
Metatrader 4 (MT4) is a prominent trading platform among online brokerage firms developed by MetaQuot ...
Principles of Trading: Record Keeping and Taxation
It is imperative for every trader to maintain a precise, organized, and latest trading-related records. Hence, traders should keep both hard and di ...
Options Transaction Via Day Trading
Given so many concepts and terminologies in the foreign exchange market, anyone outside the field of finance may have a hard time coping up. Howeve ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:01 | Rightmove House Prices | Dec | |
02:30 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
02:30 | Tertiary Industry Index | Dec | |
02:30 | PMI Composite | Dec | |
04:00 | Fixed Asset Investment | Nov | |
04:00 | Industrial production | Nov | |
04:00 | Retail Sales | Nov | |
04:00 | Unemployment Rate | Nov | |
04:00 | NBS Press Conference |