The Universal Market Integrity Rules (UMIR) is a set of rules in Canada that dictate trading practices. An independent regulator formulates and sets the rules. The UMIR was made to establish a fair, efficient, and unbiased markets. Before UMIR, there was no regulator of trading practices and individual exchanges was governed by the set of rules agreed upon by individuals and entities on their own, according to their needs. With UMIR Canadian exchanges are expected to take part in only equal fairness in trades.
Yankee Market
Yankee Market is a slang term referring to a US stock market.
Bill Of Lading
A document between the shipper and the carrier telling the type, quantity and destination of the good being carried. It also serves as a receipt of ...
Empirical Probability
Probability anchored on certain events happening, computed using collected empirical evidence. It is closely connected to the relative frequency in ...
Freeganism is a lifestyle philosophy focused on adopting alternative means to satisfy needs in order to minimize dependence on what is termed the & ...
Controlling Interest
High enough ownership percentage to impose changes or have legal control in a company. A single shareholder or a group of shareholder owns more tha ...
Principles of Trading: Introduction
Trading is an active participation in the financial markets. Those who partake in buy-and-hold investing are called traders. Also called market pla ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Introduction
Financial statements open a window how healthy a company is (in terms of finances). This document presents the financial activities of a person or ...
Connection of Inflation and Interest Rates
We cannot simply ignore the connectivity of inflation and interest rates. Both items are interrelated. So, whenever there is a news item about a co ...
Principles of Trading: Leverage and Margin
All novice and seasoned traders need to befriend these two great tools to achieve success in trading: leverage and margin.
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Last-Minute Moves
December 31 is fast approaching. The next thing you know you need to file your income tax return. So before you get swarmed by the hustle and bustl ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
07:00 | Leading Indicators | Jan | |
07:00 | Leading Indicators | Jan | |
08:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Feb | |
08:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Feb | |
09:00 | Industrial Production | Jan | |
09:00 | Industrial Production | Jan | |
09:00 | Trade Balance | Jan | |
09:00 | Trade Balance | Jan | |
10:00 | SECO Consumer Confidence | Feb |