Credit card offered to individuals with low credit scores or limited credit histories. Normally, these cards carry higher interest rates than prime credit cards, as well as additional fees and lower credit limits. Both major issuers and smaller financial institutions issue such cards, solely focusing on subprime lending.
Tit for Tat
Game theory mechanism subject to a payoff matrix similar to a prisoner’s dilemma. Anchored on the concepts of retaliation and altruism, this ...
Nonsegregated Disclosures
Information that must be presented legally anywhere in a lease agreement. These are required by the Federal Reserve Board Regulation M. The lease a ...
Product Line
A series of related products which are all made or manufactured by the same company.
Behavioral Economics
The scientific study on how the mind thinks and how each person reacts as it relates to the process of decision making in economics of individuals ...
Infant-Industry Theory
A theory stating the emerging domestic industries must be protected against foreign competition until they become established and mature. In econom ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Long-Lasting Assets
Long-lived assets, also known as non-current assets, is any asset a company expects to keep for at least one year. Such assets are expected to boos ...
Retirement Planning: Allocating Money for Retirement
In the previous tutorial, we outlined the significance of retirement. Now, let’s talk about the how in retirement planning.
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Buying a Home: Finding the Best House
Nothing can stop you from looking for the home of your dreams. Even though you have no agent, you can do your own diligence. Drive around neighborh ...
Options Transaction Via Day Trading
Given so many concepts and terminologies in the foreign exchange market, anyone outside the field of finance may have a hard time coping up. Howeve ...
Ethical Investing: Corporate Governance
It is important for ethical investors to determine how companies manage themselves and their relations with investors and stakeholders.
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Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:01 | Rightmove House Prices | Dec | |
02:30 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
02:30 | Tertiary Industry Index | Dec | |
02:30 | PMI Composite | Dec | |
04:00 | Fixed Asset Investment | Nov | |
04:00 | Industrial production | Nov | |
04:00 | Retail Sales | Nov | |
04:00 | Unemployment Rate | Nov | |
04:00 | NBS Press Conference |