Spike can have one of two meanings in the financial industry. First, it is the sudden and significant movement of a price of value in a short period of time that may be upward or downward. Second, a spike is a trade order execution confirmation slip where all important data may be seen such as price, type, stock symbol, and trading account information.
Yankee Market
Yankee Market is a slang term referring to a US stock market.
Bill Of Lading
A document between the shipper and the carrier telling the type, quantity and destination of the good being carried. It also serves as a receipt of ...
Empirical Probability
Probability anchored on certain events happening, computed using collected empirical evidence. It is closely connected to the relative frequency in ...
Freeganism is a lifestyle philosophy focused on adopting alternative means to satisfy needs in order to minimize dependence on what is termed the & ...
Controlling Interest
High enough ownership percentage to impose changes or have legal control in a company. A single shareholder or a group of shareholder owns more tha ...
Buying a Home: Closing the Deal
It’s almost done! With just a few steps away, the house that you have been dreaming of will be yours.
Ethical Investing: Looking Into Ethical Investments
For studying socially responsible investments, the key word is ethics, of course.
View every corporate webs ...
Buying a Home: Determining the Amount You Can Afford
You have decided to buy a house, choose the best location, and select a home suitable for you needs. It is high time to determine the amount you ca ...
A Primer on Retirement Planning
Every person dreams of enjoying their lives once they reach their golden years. Most people desire living in a house with a beach front view or a m ...
Ethical Investing: Instruments for Ethical Investing
The investment instruments available to ethical investors are similar to those available to all other investors, including bonds, exchange-traded f ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
07:00 | Leading Indicators | Jan | |
07:00 | Leading Indicators | Jan | |
08:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Feb | |
08:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Feb | |
09:00 | Industrial Production | Jan | |
09:00 | Industrial Production | Jan | |
09:00 | Trade Balance | Jan | |
09:00 | Trade Balance | Jan | |
10:00 | SECO Consumer Confidence | Feb |