Preaudit is done prior to the official evaluation of the accuracy of financial statements of an organization. Preaudit is used ti gather background info and to request needed documents and records.
Account Hold
Account holds are the deposits that are withheld before they are actually credited to a specific account, like the deposited checks that came from ...
Regulation Y
A Federal Reserve regulation which regulates corporate bank holding company practices as well as particular practices of state-member banks. Practi ...
Naked Position
It is a security position which is not hedged from the market risk. Both the potential gain and potential risk are larger when a position is ...
Financial recuperation of a company following a deteriorating financial performance over a prolonged time. Companies experiencing financial difficu ...
Partial divestiture of a business unit. The firm is not selling that unit overnight and may instead sell an equity share in the business or spin it ...
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Papers
Documentation is the most significant part of taxation. If you do not properly account your income and expenses, chances are you will likely miss o ...
Buying a Home: Closing the Deal
It’s almost done! With just a few steps away, the house that you have been dreaming of will be yours.
Buying a Home: Selecting a House Suitable for Your Needs
After choosing the best location of your new house, it is about time to decide on the home that you want. Basically, there are three types of homes ...
Principles of Trading: Charting
Where can you see market movements? Charts. Thanks to technology, traders can view as many market information as they can in one go. But not all ch ...
Choosing Your Bank
Now that you’ve learned the basics of banking and the importance of it, you are now ready to put your money in a bank. But which bank should ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
09:00 | GDP | 3 quarter | |
09:00 | Current Account | 3 quarter | |
09:00 | Business Investment | 3 quarter | |
09:00 | Import Price Index | Nov | |
10:00 | GDP | 3 quarter | |
15:30 | Gross Domestic Product | Oct | |
15:30 | Industrial Product Price Index | Nov | |
15:30 | Raw Materials Price Index | Nov | |
15:30 | Durable Goods Orders | Nov |