The length of time that a manager has been holding the mutual fund. It is correlated with a fund’s success that is considered a key indicator of a fund manager’s investing ability. Another key attribute is his long-term fund performance record, preferably 5 to 10 years.
Yankee Market
Yankee Market is a slang term referring to a US stock market.
Bill Of Lading
A document between the shipper and the carrier telling the type, quantity and destination of the good being carried. It also serves as a receipt of ...
Empirical Probability
Probability anchored on certain events happening, computed using collected empirical evidence. It is closely connected to the relative frequency in ...
Freeganism is a lifestyle philosophy focused on adopting alternative means to satisfy needs in order to minimize dependence on what is termed the & ...
Controlling Interest
High enough ownership percentage to impose changes or have legal control in a company. A single shareholder or a group of shareholder owns more tha ...
What is the Standard Moving Cost?
You concluded remodeling is expensive upon considering all important factors. So you decided to move to another house instead. But, is moving less ...
Ethical Investing: Environmentally-Conscious Investing
Environmentalist or not, as an investor, you care so much about your surroundings. Hence, you invest in companies that can reduce their negative im ...
Ethical Investing: Socially Responsible Investing
Socially responsible investors look for socially responsible companies, especially their relations with outsiders.
First and foremost, th ...
A Guide to Becoming a Finance Expert
Wouldn’t it be nice not having to rely on another person when managing your funds? Aside from the added convenience it brings, being able to ...
Buying a Home: Finding the Best House
Nothing can stop you from looking for the home of your dreams. Even though you have no agent, you can do your own diligence. Drive around neighborh ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
07:00 | Leading Indicators | Jan | |
07:00 | Leading Indicators | Jan | |
08:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Feb | |
08:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Feb | |
09:00 | Industrial Production | Jan | |
09:00 | Industrial Production | Jan | |
09:00 | Trade Balance | Jan | |
09:00 | Trade Balance | Jan | |
10:00 | SECO Consumer Confidence | Feb |