Trading technique in which shares of a single security are purchased or sold over a short time period, normally a single trading session or longer. Opposite of buy and hold.
Interim Earnings Per Share
Earnings measure computed at a certain time, and shorter than or before the end of year calculations. It can be determined at any time, as long as ...
Options On Futures
Basically, the futures specified in the options contract lets someone to enter into a the specified futures contract when the option expires.
Trinomial Option Pricing Model
Model integrating three possible values an underlying asset can take over a given time period. The values factored are higher than, the same as, or ...
Land Value
The overall value of a parcel of property, which includes the value of the land itself and the cost of improvements done to it. Land values are est ...
Cost of Equity
In financial theory, rate of return a firm’s stockholders require.
The Concepts of Economics: Scarcity
To fully grasp the essence of what economics is, we must first understand the concept of scarcity along with the branches of study under economics ...
The Types of Stock
Now that you’ve learned the basics of stocks, what it is, and how it works, we can now learn more about them. The next thing you need to know ...
Renovate or Move?
You have a well-furnished home with a garden full of flowers and plants. Imagine sharing your beautiful abode, which has four bedrooms, a kitchen, ...
Featured Investment: The American Depository Receipt
Investments are what trading is all about. And knowing about the various available investment options and how to trade them is one of the keys to a ...
Featured Investment: Annuity
Featured Investment: Annuity
Investments are what trading is all about. And knowing about the various a ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:00 | MI Inflation Gauge | Feb | |
02:30 | ANZ Jobs Advertisements | Feb | |
02:30 | Company Operating Profits | 4 quarter | |
02:30 | PMI Manufacturing | Feb | |
03:45 | Markit Final Manufacturing PMI | Feb | |
07:30 | Commodity Prices | Feb | |
10:15 | PMI Manufacturing | Feb | |
10:30 | Procure PMI Index | Feb | |
10:45 | PMI Manufacturing | Feb |