A credit report check that may lower the credit score of a person. Hard inquiry occurs when a person applies for a credit, like a mortgage or auto loan. Hard inquiry may lower a person’s credit score because someone who has recently applied for new credit is seen as a potentially riskier borrower.
Tit for Tat
Game theory mechanism subject to a payoff matrix similar to a prisoner’s dilemma. Anchored on the concepts of retaliation and altruism, this ...
Nonsegregated Disclosures
Information that must be presented legally anywhere in a lease agreement. These are required by the Federal Reserve Board Regulation M. The lease a ...
Product Line
A series of related products which are all made or manufactured by the same company.
Behavioral Economics
The scientific study on how the mind thinks and how each person reacts as it relates to the process of decision making in economics of individuals ...
Infant-Industry Theory
A theory stating the emerging domestic industries must be protected against foreign competition until they become established and mature. In econom ...
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Basics
For many filing your personal income tax is one of the most frustrating things to do. However, by planning ahead and pacing yourself, doing your ta ...
Ethical Investing: Looking Into Ethical Investments
For studying socially responsible investments, the key word is ethics, of course.
View every corporate webs ...
An Introduction to Student Loans
A college education is one of the most essential investment in a person’s life. Unfortunately, in this time and age, it has also become one o ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Working Capital
Analysts and investors look at the working capital and its trends to measure a company’s financial performance. This metric determines a busi ...
Principles of Trading: Introduction
Trading is an active participation in the financial markets. Those who partake in buy-and-hold investing are called traders. Also called market pla ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:01 | Rightmove House Prices | Dec | |
02:30 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
02:30 | Tertiary Industry Index | Dec | |
02:30 | PMI Composite | Dec | |
04:00 | Fixed Asset Investment | Nov | |
04:00 | Industrial production | Nov | |
04:00 | Retail Sales | Nov | |
04:00 | Unemployment Rate | Nov | |
04:00 | NBS Press Conference |