Currency trade offering an all-or-nothing pay off according to a specific currency exchange rate once the position touches its maturity. Binaries have a single payoff amount compared to traditional options. This can be employed either for hedging or speculation on the direction that rate will move. The premium on a binary describes the consensus odds the strike exchange rate will be reached upon expiration. A currency trader can also place a short currency binary position, reversing the payoff options and speculating the rate will decline.
Securitize is a marketed mix of financial assets pooled together, creating a whole new security. The basis of the value and cash flow of the securi ...
Offering Circular
This permits investors to access information about a new issue. It gives them important highlights without them reading the long-form prospectus. W ...
Free On Board - FOB
A term that requires the seller to deliver goods on board a vessel designated by the buyer. The seller fulfills its obligations to deliver when the ...
Large Cap - Big Cap
Refers to companies who have at least $10 billion market capitalization value. This is an abbreviation of “large market capitalization” ...
Default Risk
The event in which companies or individuals will be unable to make the required payments on their debt obligations. Lenders and investors are expos ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Pension Plans
Deducing on the topic we previously discussed, this tutorial now puts the spotlight on the pension fund. It is a distinct long-term obligation for ...
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Common Filing Mistakes
Failure to file the return on time is the most common mistake committed by taxpayers. Here are some of the other mistakes, which can cost you a lot ...
Buying a Home: Obtaining a Homeowners Insurance
You are one step closer to acquiring your dream house, and you want to make sure it has substantial protection against any disaster or occurrence t ...
An Introduction to Ethical Investing
Ethical investing is, simply put, investing while taking into consideration your personal beliefs or your ethics. Because it is personal, it means ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Earnings
For assessing how a company performed in a given period, the relation between income and cash flow statements should be taken into account. Several ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:30 | Tertiary Industry Index | Dec | |
02:30 | PMI Composite | Dec | |
03:45 | Markit Services PMI | Dec | |
09:30 | Retail Sales | Nov | |
10:15 | PMI Services | Dec | |
10:15 | Composite PMI | Dec | |
10:45 | PMI Services | Dec | |
10:45 | PMI Composite | Dec | |
10:50 | PMI Services | Dec |