Minimum balance a customer must maintain in a bank account, normally non-interest bearing accounts. It is often used to offset some cost a bank incurs when extending a credit or loan to an entity. Normally, it is expressed as a percentage of the outstanding loan. The bank is free to use the money in that account for other investment opportunities.
Housing Bubble
A run-up in housing prices fueled by demand, speculation and the belief that recent history is an infallible forecast of the future. Housing bubble ...
Low Exercise Price Option - LEPO
A call option for investors that has a price of 1 cent with an agreement to buy 1000 shares. This cannot be executed until its expiry. It works lik ...
Callable Security
A security with an enclosed call provision that gives the person who issues to redeem or repurchase the security by a particular period. Since the ...
Shadowing is the creation of values for variables that are not dependent strictly to market value. This means that these variable have market value ...
Pass-Through Rate
Pass-through rate is the net
Retirement Planning: Maximizing the Power of Compounding
“The early bird catches the worm.” – William Camden
Ethical Investing: Activism and Advocacy of Shareholders
Activist investors are not contented with just purchasing stocks and supporting its actions or decisions. They want to change the norms of targeted ...
Health Savings Account: Eligibility
We discussed the fundamental information regarding HSAs. Now, we shall tackle the qualifications for opening an HSA.
Any person can utili ...
Retirement Planning: Allocating Money for Retirement
In the previous tutorial, we outlined the significance of retirement. Now, let’s talk about the how in retirement planning.
“ ...
Ethical Investing: Niche Investment Style
Over the past two years, sustainable, responsible, and impact investing (SRI) has grown significantly in the United States. Based on the US SIF Fou ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:01 | BRC Shop Price Index | Dec | |
03:45 | Markit Final Manufacturing PMI | Dec | |
07:30 | Commodity Prices | Dec | |
10:15 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
10:45 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
10:50 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
10:55 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
11:00 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
11:00 | M3 Money Supply | Nov |