Given the rising costs of health guarantees nowadays, several individuals are on the lookout for alternative coverages based on their premium. Usually they start by calculating how much they will have to spend monthly, and match it with a certain plan without taking time to consider other factors such as physician's network and deductibles.

While these may not b as useful if you are generally healthy or don't have dependents, there are people who need more than just a regular healthcare. These ones are usually branded by cheap options, failing to realize that this may be more wallet-draining for them in the long run.

To learn more, here are a few reasons why you should opt for a high-premium health coverage instead.

1. Chronic diseases

When it comes to these kinds of insurances, the higher you pay for premiums, the wider coverage you get which means the lesser you have to pay out of the pocket. This is especially relevant since most guarantees to day have co-payments which you will have to settle before being able to avail the its services.

If you have a chronic illness, going for low premiums might not be the best idea since there are other expenses as well such as medication and check-ups which are usually out of your insurance's scope. In the end, these extra costs will wipe out your other funds as well. Moreover, cheaper plans sometimes do not have your specialists in the network and may have a massive deductible. Going out of your network will result to a surge in costs as well.

A wiser choice in this situation is to have an estimated total cost of care and look for a plan that can take charge of your needs without requiring additional compensation. Make sure your pick includes your must-have doctors.

2. Dependents

For those who have children, trips to the doctor's is common whether it's due to flu or broken bones. Despite plans normally covering specific costs of wellness visits for your kids, less expensive plans can also mean more frequent out-of-insurance expenses for unexpected illness or injuries. Since youngsters are more vulnerable when it comes to health, a high-cost plan would be a better choice. You may have to shell out more for each month but it only takes one hospital trip for your plan to help you save substantial money, unlike more affordable ones which would require you to take out more before your guarantee can kick in.

3. Inability to meet deductible

No matter how healthy you are at present, unexpected illness or accidents cannot be prevented, but how much these will cost you can be negotiable. Many individuals in good physical condition tend to select their most inexpensive option with high deductibles, figuring the chances of needing to go to the hospital are low. However, in case of sudden injuries and you cannot afford the deductible, your might face a bigger problem that could mean delaying or cancelling medical care. This could worsen your illness and may require for a procedure that will financially drain you more.