Fluctuations in volatility through time. A standard deviation of returns from an investment instrument, it measures the risk. It implies volatility is subject to huge swings as stocks and other financial vehicles show periods of high volatility and low volatility at several points in time.
Direct Marketing
A marketing strategy in which physical materials like catalogs and flyers are provided to consumers to communicate about a product or service&rsquo ...
Point on a stock chart in which a security and an indicator converges. Technical analysts use this in predicting future movements in the stock pric ...
Mini-Sized Dow Options
An option traded in Chicago Board of Trade that has underlying assets which is comprised ...
Adaptive Price Zone - APZ
A kind of technical indicator that assists the investors in identifying possible turning points in the market. The adaptive price zone (APZ) can be ...
Noncredit Services
Fee-based services that do not involve the extension of credit that a lending institution offers to correspondent banks or corporate customers. Non ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Earnings
For assessing how a company performed in a given period, the relation between income and cash flow statements should be taken into account. Several ...
Connection of Inflation and Interest Rates
We cannot simply ignore the connectivity of inflation and interest rates. Both items are interrelated. So, whenever there is a news item about a co ...
Student Loans: Consolidating Federal Loans
If you find it difficult to monitor and pay the student loans on your own, and want to reduce your monthly payment and lengthen the repayment sched ...
Choosing Your Bank
Now that you’ve learned the basics of banking and the importance of it, you are now ready to put your money in a bank. But which bank should ...
Ethical Investing: Activism and Advocacy of Shareholders
Activist investors are not contented with just purchasing stocks and supporting its actions or decisions. They want to change the norms of targeted ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:01 | Rightmove House Prices | Mar | |
04:00 | Fixed Asset Investment | Feb | |
04:00 | Industrial production | Feb | |
04:00 | Retail Sales | Feb | |
04:00 | Unemployment Rate | Feb | |
04:00 | NBS Press Conference | ||
13:00 | Bundesbank Monthly Report | ||
14:15 | Housing Starts | Feb | |
14:30 | Retail Sales | Feb |