Specific risk is also known as ‘unsystematic or diversifiable risk’. It is the risk that influences only specific assets which means that the risk is special to a certain asset, company, or group of companies. Specific risk is the opposite of the overall market risk and the systematic risk.
Hybrid Indicator
A type of technical indicator that combines the core elements of chart analysis with existing indicators. Hybrid indicators are one of the two prim ...
The Smith Maneuver
Strategy of making an interest on a residential mortgage tax-deductible in Canada. Unlike in the US, mortgage interest is not tax-deductible and mu ...
Europe, Australasia, Far East - EAFE
Acronym referring to the economically developed regions outside North America and Canada.
Exhaustion Gap
Gap occurring following a rapid rise in a stock’s price starts to dwindle. It normally demonstrates dropping demand for a certain stock. Many ...
Applied Cost
It is a term that is used in cost accounting to signify the cost of something (raw materials, acquisition, etc) which might be different from its a ...
Buying a Home: Writing an Offer
You’re down to the last four steps to buying your dream house. Now, you need to write an offer and the seller has to accept it. Take into acc ...
How Much Does a Home Remodeling Cost?
If your house can handle a renovation, the next thing you need to find out is the cost of a home remodeling.
You may nee ...
Student Loans: Repaying Debts Faster
Student loans may not be paid overnight, but we want to pay it off in a fastest way possible. Is it possible?
Before anything else, one h ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Filing
Companies need to file several financial reports in different periods with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
14A Prox ...
Buying a Home: Getting Into the Escrow Process
You write an offer and the seller accepts it. Deal closed. It is about time to go through the escrow process. Why does a buyer need to undergo this ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:30 | Tertiary Industry Index | Dec | |
02:30 | PMI Composite | Dec | |
03:45 | Markit Services PMI | Dec | |
09:30 | Retail Sales | Nov | |
10:15 | PMI Services | Dec | |
10:15 | Composite PMI | Dec | |
10:45 | PMI Services | Dec | |
10:45 | PMI Composite | Dec | |
10:50 | PMI Services | Dec |