A type of variable in which its values are random but its statistical distribution is known.
An index which measures the equity market performance of the emerging market indexes of Brazil, China, India, and Russia. One of MSCI's Regiona ...
Stock Market Crash
Rapid and precipitous decline in stock prices or economic conditions, which can be the result of collapse of long-term speculative bubble, economic ...
Overhead Ratio
A comparison of operating expenses and total income that is not directly related to the production of a good or service. A firm's operating exp ...
European Financial Stablisation Mechanism - EFSM
Permanent fund created to provide financial assistance to EU member states in times of financial difficulties. In essence, it generates money throu ...
Alston D. Correll
CEO and chairman of Georgia Pacific, an ATlanta based paper and building material manufacturers. He joined the company in 1988 and become the COO a ...
Ethical Investing: Instruments for Ethical Investing
The investment instruments available to ethical investors are similar to those available to all other investors, including bonds, exchange-traded f ...
Retirement Planning: The Significance of Retirement
Previously, we went through the overview of retirement. In this article, we will now explore its significance, before discussing how to map out a s ...
Students, How Much Can You Afford to Borrow?
You are about to finish high school. The financial aid office of the university you are considering gave you a financial aid. You are also qualifie ...
Buying a Home: Finding the Best House
Nothing can stop you from looking for the home of your dreams. Even though you have no agent, you can do your own diligence. Drive around neighborh ...
Connection of Inflation and Interest Rates
We cannot simply ignore the connectivity of inflation and interest rates. Both items are interrelated. So, whenever there is a news item about a co ...