The measurement of how the actual returns of a group of securities making up a portfolio fluctuate. Portfolio variance looks at the standard deviation of each security in the portfolio as well as how those individual securities correlate with the others in the portfolio. In other words, portfolio variance looks at the covariance or correlation coefficient for the securities in the portfolio. Generally, the lower the correlation between securities in a portfolio, the lower the portfolio variance.
Direct Marketing
A marketing strategy in which physical materials like catalogs and flyers are provided to consumers to communicate about a product or service&rsquo ...
Point on a stock chart in which a security and an indicator converges. Technical analysts use this in predicting future movements in the stock pric ...
Mini-Sized Dow Options
An option traded in Chicago Board of Trade that has underlying assets which is comprised ...
Adaptive Price Zone - APZ
A kind of technical indicator that assists the investors in identifying possible turning points in the market. The adaptive price zone (APZ) can be ...
Noncredit Services
Fee-based services that do not involve the extension of credit that a lending institution offers to correspondent banks or corporate customers. Non ...
Introduction to Banking
Banking is an integral part of any financial system. In order to keep your money safe and start building wealth, you need a place where your funds ...
An Introduction to Ethical Investing
Ethical investing is, simply put, investing while taking into consideration your personal beliefs or your ethics. Because it is personal, it means ...
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Essentials
In the United States, the progressive tax system is one of the most important yet misunderstood concepts of tax planning. Whenever people are asked ...
An Introduction to Stocks
Imagine this: you are a company owner, you get income but you don’t go to work, you just do what you want and the money keeps coming in. This ...
Buying a Home: Getting Into the Escrow Process
You write an offer and the seller accepts it. Deal closed. It is about time to go through the escrow process. Why does a buyer need to undergo this ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:01 | Rightmove House Prices | Mar | |
04:00 | Fixed Asset Investment | Feb | |
04:00 | Industrial production | Feb | |
04:00 | Retail Sales | Feb | |
04:00 | Unemployment Rate | Feb | |
04:00 | NBS Press Conference | ||
13:00 | Bundesbank Monthly Report | ||
14:15 | Housing Starts | Feb | |
14:30 | Retail Sales | Feb |