This is a method of decreasing financial risk through investing in two dissimilar financial instruments which performance tends to cancel out each other. It is not like other types of hedges because it does not need the use of sophisticated financial products such as derivatives or forwards. Though, most hedges (natural or otherwise) are imperfect, and do not remove risk completely.
Act of attempting to exert an influence (i.e. lobbying); a group of like-minded people that attempts to influence an authoritative body in their fa ...
Douglas Amendment
Amendment to the Bank Holding Act of 1956, preventing banks from acquiring banks throughout various states. But a bank can seek exception to the ru ...
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
A law signed by the US Congress, which restored worker protections against pay discrimination. Signed under the Obama administration on January 29, ...
Generation-Skipping Trust
Legally binding trust agreement passing the contributed assets to the grantor’s grandchildren, not his children, upon the grantor’s dea ...
Net Change
Net change is the difference between the closing price of a security on one trading day and the closing price of the previous day. It may either be ...
Starting Your Own Small Business: Financing a Business
After choosing the business you want to go into, regardless of the line of business, you need a startup capital in order to keep the business going ...
Retirement Planning: Allocating and Diversifying
The assets you select to invest in will depend on numerous factors, including your risk appetite and investment timeframe. The two primary factors ...
Everything You Need To Know About Stock Trader Types
The perks and benefits of being a stock trader is one of the most coveted but first you must be a successful a stock trader. A lot of people go int ...
Buying a Home: Choosing the Best Location
The first consideration when buying a new house is choosing the place where you want to live, regardless if this will serve as an investment or upg ...
Ethical Investing: Environmentally-Conscious Investing
Environmentalist or not, as an investor, you care so much about your surroundings. Hence, you invest in companies that can reduce their negative im ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:30 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
10:00 | KOF Economic Barometer | Dec | |
10:00 | CPI | Dec | |
16:45 | Chicago Purchasing Managers Index | Dec | |
17:00 | Pending Home Sales | Nov | |
03:30 | PMI Manufacturing | Dec | |
03:30 | Non-Manufacturing PMI | Dec | |
16:00 | House Price Index | Oct | |
03:45 | Markit Final Manufacturing PMI | Dec |