Huge and well-diversified portfolio across a wide variety of areas, normally with a significant number of holdings. Since such portfolios have a huge number of positions in several areas, the are considered to have lower overall risk. But portfolios with low granularity have lesser positions or have highly correlated assets, are less diversified and have a higher overall risk profile.
Barrel of Oil Equivalent Per Day – BOE/D
A jargon that is usually employed in conjunction with the the distribution or production of oil. An oil barrel is usually considered to have an equ ...
Composite Index of Coincident Indicators
Broad-based index measuring the current economic conditions based on four cyclical economic indicators: employees and non-agriculture payrolls, agg ...
Marshall Plan
US-sponsored economic recovery program that was designed and implemented after World War II, which aims to aid recovery efforts on European countri ...
Accumulation Bond
Also called as the accrual bonds, it means that the interest accumulates but not yet paid until its maturity.
Blow-Off Top
Chart pattern describing a steep and rapid rise in a security’s price and trading volume followed by a steep and sudden fall in its price and ...
Macroeconomics: A Brief History
Macroeconomics is a branch of study under Economics that deals with the economy’s growth and the way it behaves. It examines nationwide pheno ...
Ethical Investing: Activism and Advocacy of Shareholders
Activist investors are not contented with just purchasing stocks and supporting its actions or decisions. They want to change the norms of targeted ...
Renovate or Move?
You have a well-furnished home with a garden full of flowers and plants. Imagine sharing your beautiful abode, which has four bedrooms, a kitchen, ...
Ethical Investing: Leaving an Ethical Imprint
After selecting the rightful ethical investments and making it work, it is about to decide how to disburse your assets after you die. You have two ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Pension Plans
Deducing on the topic we previously discussed, this tutorial now puts the spotlight on the pension fund. It is a distinct long-term obligation for ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:01 | Rightmove House Prices | Jan | |
06:30 | Industrial Production | Nov | |
06:30 | Tertiary Industry Index | Nov | |
09:00 | PPI | Dec | |
09:30 | Producer & Import Prices | Dec | |
19:00 | President Donald Trump Speaks | ||
09:00 | Claimant Count Change | Dec | |
09:00 | Claimant Count Rate | Nov | |
09:00 | Average Earnings Index | Nov |