Index or other data, normally of macroeconomic scale, used by investors to interpret present or future investment possibilities and judge the overall economic health. Some of the economic indicators include Consumer Price Index (CPI), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), unemployment data, and crude oil price.
Selling or recommending related or complementary goods to a prospect or client. In finance, it pertains to selling several types of investments to ...
Dummy Director
Individual on a firm’s board of directors acting and voting on the interests or on behalf of a non-board member. These are most commonly used ...
Comparable Transaction
Process of valuating a firm for sale. It takes into the account the previous sales of same companies, as well as the market value of publicly trade ...
Gambling Loss
Money lost from games of chance or wagers on events with unsure results (gambling). Such losses can only be claimed against gambling income, which ...
Essential Health Benefits
Set of benefit requirements that must be included in some health insurance plans. It is made up of 10 general benefit categories, which must be par ...
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Essentials
In the United States, the progressive tax system is one of the most important yet misunderstood concepts of tax planning. Whenever people are asked ...
A Guide to Your Personal Income Tax: Basics
For many filing your personal income tax is one of the most frustrating things to do. However, by planning ahead and pacing yourself, doing your ta ...
Everything You Need To Know About Stock Trader Types
The perks and benefits of being a stock trader is one of the most coveted but first you must be a successful a stock trader. A lot of people go int ...
Ethical Investing: Leaving an Ethical Imprint
After selecting the rightful ethical investments and making it work, it is about to decide how to disburse your assets after you die. You have two ...
Introduction to Inflation
I asked my grandparents about the cost of living during World War II. They told me people during that period could buy a house for $5,000, a car fo ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
07:00 | Leading Indicators | Jan | |
07:00 | Leading Indicators | Jan | |
08:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Feb | |
08:00 | Economy Watchers Survey | Feb | |
09:00 | Industrial Production | Jan | |
09:00 | Industrial Production | Jan | |
09:00 | Trade Balance | Jan | |
09:00 | Trade Balance | Jan | |
10:00 | SECO Consumer Confidence | Feb |