Undervaluing stocks of conglomerate businesses. It is computed by adding the estimated intrinsic value of all of its subsidiaries and subtracting its market capitalization from that value.
Seasoned Security
Seasoned Security has two definitions. First, it is a financial instrument that has been traded publicly for so long in the secondary market that i ...
EV/2P Ratio
Valuation of oil and gas firms. It is computed by dividing the enterprise value by the proven and probable (2P) reserves owned by the firm. The ent ...
Preferred Habitat Theory
A theory in the investing behavior of bond buyers, which states that investors have a preferred range of bond maturity lengths, and are only willin ...
Vest Fleece
Vest Fleece is slang for a situation in which a company’s executives accelerate the vesting of their employee stock options.
Unilateral Transfer
Unilateral Transfer is an economic transaction between residents of two countries within a stipulated time period, which is usually a calendar year ...
Digesting Financial Statements: System
A financial statement serves as an avenue for assimilating the overall health of a business. Let’s illustrate the four key steps in a cash-ba ...
An Introduction to Insurance
Most people in the world own insurance. Insurance take a lot of forms such as medical insurance, automobile insurance, and the most common of them ...
Digesting Financial Statements: Earnings
For assessing how a company performed in a given period, the relation between income and cash flow statements should be taken into account. Several ...
How Do You Intend to Live?
How do you want to live?
You are no longer happy with the current state of your home. So you are mulling the idea of moving out or remode ...
Buying a Home: Everybody’s Goal
Since childhood, Selena has always dreamed of owning a large farm house surrounded with lots of animals – every kind of animal the world has ...
Time | Country | Indices | Period |
02:00 | MI Inflation Gauge | Mar | |
02:00 | ANZ Business Confidence | Mar | |
02:30 | Private Sector Credit | Feb | |
03:30 | PMI Manufacturing | Mar | |
03:30 | Non-Manufacturing PMI | Mar | |
07:00 | Housing Starts | Feb | |
08:00 | Retail Sales | Feb | |
08:00 | Import Price Index | Feb | |
10:30 | Mortgage Approvals | Feb |